Dutchseakayaks testte ons kano karretje

Dutchseakayaks tested our canoe cart

Paul de Haas of Dutchseakayaks has extensively tested our new EasyMarcs® canoe cart during sea trips on the Dutch Waddensea. He sent us a review vlog about his experience with the canoe cart.

Experience EasyMarcs® canoe cart

In his vlog, Paul discusses the construction, the sturdiness, the wheels, folding and putting in his kayak, the material, the leg and of course driving the canoe cart. In the 30 years that he has been Paddling, he has seen many types of trolleys pass by. Is there anything new to discover? Yes, was his answer. According to him, the EasyMarcs® version really belongs to a new generation of canoe carts.

He also had some tips for us. For example, Paul has doubts about the Perspex leg, which he believes cannot withstand the cold. We can reassure him on this point: the leg is made of Lexan, a very strong plastic material that can withstand winter conditions.

Paul also lifted the veil on our next innovation: a solution for driving on the beach with your heavily loaded canoe. We would have liked to keep that to ourselves for a while, but  rumours sometimes go to fast to keep up.

Diehards sea kayaking

Paul de Haas and Marian Makelaar of Dutchseakayaks belong to the diehards of sea kayaking and have been around at sea for about 30 years. They train students for the sea skills diploma and can often be found on the Waddenzee. The couple undertook several expeditions in recent years. They have circumnavigated Iceland, Ireland and Vancouver IJsland by kayak. Their attempt to round Tasmania turned out to be a size too big. With a new attempt, the EasyMarcs® canoe cart will be present.

The vlog is available on the homepage of our website and on YouTube .



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