
wielen Easymarcs kano kar

Which kayak wheels are the best ones?

Small, large, wide, narrow, pneumatic tires, bearings… far too many choices! Which wheels are the best? Take a look at the pros and cons of the most wheels for kayak carts.

Which kayak wheels are the best ones?

Small, large, wide, narrow, pneumatic tires, bearings… far too many choices! Which wheels are the best? Take a look at the pros and cons of the most wheels for kayak carts.

Northseakayak test ook ons kano karretje

Northseakayak is also testing our canoe cart

We have started a collaboration with Northseakayak. Dimitri Vandepoele will extensively test our new canoe cart. He reports on YouTube.

Northseakayak is also testing our canoe cart

We have started a collaboration with Northseakayak. Dimitri Vandepoele will extensively test our new canoe cart. He reports on YouTube.

1 april demonstratie bij KV Sconenvaarder

April 1 demonstration at KV Sconenvaarder

On April 1, we will be present at the canoe exchange fair at the Sconenvaarder canoe association in Kampen. Here we Will show the canoe cart and tell you everything...

April 1 demonstration at KV Sconenvaarder

On April 1, we will be present at the canoe exchange fair at the Sconenvaarder canoe association in Kampen. Here we Will show the canoe cart and tell you everything...

Dutchseakayaks testte ons kano karretje

Dutchseakayaks tested our canoe cart

Paul de Haas has extensively tested our EasyMarcs® canoe cart during sea trips. What are his findings?

Dutchseakayaks tested our canoe cart

Paul de Haas has extensively tested our EasyMarcs® canoe cart during sea trips. What are his findings?

Easymarcs kano karretjes online te bestellen

Our webshop is online

The webshop is online! Yesterday we welcomed our first online customer.

Our webshop is online

The webshop is online! Yesterday we welcomed our first online customer.

EasyMarcs® team: Marc Meulenkamp en Marianna van den Broek

We're going to start

After a year of preparation, the time has finally come: EasyMarcs® introduces a new generation of canoe carts.

We're going to start

After a year of preparation, the time has finally come: EasyMarcs® introduces a new generation of canoe carts.