VAT & import duties

European Union
All product prices shown within the European Union (EU) include VAT.

Within Europe, but outside the EU
The product price shown is exclusive of VAT, with the exception of the United Kingdom.

United Kingdom
The price shown includes VAT. However, depending on the price (below or above £135), VAT may or may not be charged at check-out.

  • Below £135 you pay VAT via the webshop.
  • Above £135 you pay the VAT yourself. In general, you pay the VAT when the product passes customs. You will receive an email or text message for this.

Outside of Europe
The product price shown is exclusive of VAT. In general, you pay the VAT (and sometimes import duties) when the product passes customs. You will receive an email or text message for this.

Some countries or parts of the country do not charge VAT or import duties. We have no insight into the amounts and where VAT and/or additional import duties are or are not charged.